Wildlife loving plants to have in your garden

There is nothing better than sitting in the garden of your Gloucestershire Park Homes, like the ones from parkhomelife.com/our-parks/orchard-park-homes-gloucester-gloucestershire/ in the summer and watching all the wildlife enjoying the sun and the seeds and fruits that are available. In order to encourage wildlife into your garden space there are a number of plants that you can grow. Here are some of them for you to consider.

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There are two benefits that sunflowers provide to wildlife. In the early part of the season, their pollen is an important food source for the bees and later in the season, the seed heads provide food for the birds. If you want to please the bees, you should avoid the pollen-free varieties. It is either best to sow indoors in pots or to sow directly in the soil. Choose a sunny location and watch them grow.


This is the quintessential English cottage garden plant. As the evening closes, moths are attracted to the evening fragrance, and they become food for birds and bats. There are several birds that enjoy the red berries of these plants and they use the woody branches as nesting material during the spring.

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Butterflies are attracted to buddlejas because of their blooms. Some cultivars are capable of self-seeding freely, so you need to choose carefully. Dwarf cultivars have less tendency to self-seed but still produce the nectar that bees and butterflies crave. Generally, buddlejas thrive in most soils as long as they are in full sun. They can still thrive in partial shade if they are looked after carefully. The more deadheading you do, the more flowering you will get.


Don’t let the name fool you. Catmint is a beautiful plant that will have bees and butterflies buzzing around it in the spring and summer months. The flowers vary in colours from white to purple, depending on which variety you plant. The leaves are particularly popular with butterflies and the caterpillars can feed off them with relative ease. The flower will bloom between June and September and it also gives off a wonderful smell. Be aware that cats also love this plant as catnip is made from catmint.

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