Thinking about using LED lights at home? These preliminary considerations can be useful to get more out of the change

LED lights at home

Little by little we have seen how LED lighting (Light Emitting Diode or semiconductor diode that emits light when crossed by an electric current) has been conquering our homes. We have been abandoning the use of the traditional light bulb that first gave way to lighting by means of energy-saving light bulbs, which in turn has gradually given ground thanks to the push of LED-type luminaires.

An illumination that has grown in implantation thanks to the progressive decrease of the prices and especially by the great amount of options that we find in the market. There are LED lights of all kinds that allow them to adapt to almost any type of need. But before we get LED luminaires and smart bulbs (integrated in the connected home) to use in our home, it is interesting to consider a series of considerations so that the use of this lighting allows to obtain the best possible result for our lighting.

Previous planning

LED lights at home
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Nothing to buy like crazy. Before going to the mall or the website, it is interesting to sit down and think about how we are going to place the lighting at home, and in this sense it may be a good idea to use layered lighting.

It is about combining the recessed lighting in the ceiling or wall with which we can find with the rest of the lamps in the house . So it is not interesting that for example the ceiling light falls on the floor lamp placed on the sofa. It may be better to change the location of the easiest to move so that the light we add is appreciated.

Color temperature

LED lights at home
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Fundamental: not all bulbs or luminaires are the same and here it is essential to attend to a factor how is the color temperature. And it is that the use of a cold light or a quality light can improve the decoration of a room to ruin it completely.

In this sense it is interesting to determine the color temperature of the light that we are going to use in each room and for that we are guided by the Kelvin scale. In this sense we can use the warm lights (between 2700k and 3500k) in the rooms and in the living room while the cold lights (between 5000k and 6500k) or neutral lights would make more sense in the kitchen or bathrooms.

  • Warm Light: (Between 2800ºK and 3500ºK). Equivalent to the light produced by incandescent bulbs and halogen bulbs. The most used for rooms such as the living room and bedrooms.
  • Neutral Light: (Between 3800ºK and 4500ºK). It is considered as the most natural light.
  • Cold Light : (More than 5000ºK). Equivalent to the light of a very sunny or cloudy day. It is the most used in kitchens and bathrooms although they are losing ground in the latter in favor of other warmer ones that offer a better chromatic range.

You may also like to read: How to choose the right LED bulb for every need

Create different lighting effects

LED lights at home
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One of the best ideas that we can apply is the one that refers to the use of indirect, diffuse or emitting light and thus leave direct light aside or at least not use this as main lighting.

By using indirect light we are creating a more discreet environment that can be supported by refraction on the wall (especially if it is clear) to illuminate the room. This effect in turn is enhanced by the use of colors or shades that can be found in LED lights.

In this sense the applique are increasingly used, especially those that are embedded in the wall. It is a matter of taste, but for many users the use of wall lights with LED lights allows them to indirectly light a room so that we move away from the classic light on the ceiling.

This type allows us to have the lighting always on (or at least for extended periods) as an ambient light without in the end we assume a shock in the bill of light and thus have full rooms illuminated.

Smart lights

LED lights at home
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It is the last improvement that we can find in the LED type luminaire and with it we can automate the home lighting. A good example are the Philips HUE bulbs or those that IKEA has released unpronounceable name (Trådfri) and compatible with Apple HomeKit.

We can establish routines so that the lights of the house turn on or off when we enter or leave the house or change their tonality at dusk or dawn. For example, as night falls, we can make the lighting at dusk softer and at night, before going to bed, it is warmer.

But not only are aesthetic improvements, because the use of LED type lights allows the energy consumption to be lower in the long run and thus allows to relieve the pressure in our current account by decreasing the electricity bill.

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