Some of the “Do’s” in Website Design

Creating a website may be a daunting experience, but here are some ways to keep the “Do” in your design.


The first thing most people see when opening a website is the color pattern used on the homepage. Colors play an important role in website design because different colors illicit different emotions. Depending on the demographic, people interpret colors differently, which makes it important to know who your target audience is. A more conservative website such as a bank or funeral home are better off sticking with colors that aren’t so vibrant, whereas a children’s toys site may want to stick with vibrant colors. Colors don’t just apply to the coloring of the background; they apply to logos, type, etc.

Adaptability & Logo

Adaptability may be the most important trait one can have when making and grooming a website. Times and trends are constantly changing, and your website will have to adapt to the current trends of the target audience. You’d like to keep your logo the same so people have an image engrained in their minds and think of your company as soon as they see that particular image.

In some way, the logo should also connect your customers to the product you are trying to sell. The most important thing regarding the logo is entertainment. The logo should entertain and engage the target audience. Don’t go overboard with special effects and complex designs, keep it simple. It is the first thing a potential client sees and they don’t want to work more than they have to understand the logo.


Once you have reeled in a potential client with your aesthetically-pleasing layout and logo, it comes down to the quality of the content on your site. The “keep it simple” motto applies to content as well as logos. Customers don’t want to have to try and decipher what you are selling or the features it comes with, they just want to know about the product. Giving a long, thought-out, wordy description of a lamp isn’t going to help you sell it any faster. A brief, informative description will allow clients to process the information quicker and will influence them to believe that if learning about the product was hassle-free, then the buying and using the product will cause them no  problems either.

So when making your website, remember to be adaptable to change, creative, but don’t overdo it and most importantly, keep it simple!

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